Beach remains closed at Patoka Lake

10914977_439920512854791_6920947912214269631_oThe beach at Patoka Lake, Newton Stewart Recreation Area, remains closed due to high water from summer flooding.

The lake is currently holding 10 fee above normal summer pool.

Due to farm fields downstream being affected, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is only able to release a small amount of water from the dam, reported Dana Reckelhoff, Patoka Lake Interpretive Naturalist.

“The beach is likely to remain closed for the duration of the season due to flooding conditions at the lake,” Reckelhoff said. “Currently, the fishing pier at Osborn Ramp is also inaccessible due to high waters.”

There is still a large amount of floating debris on the lake and boaters are advised to use caution when navigating the water.
