Beta Gamma Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa April meeting minutes

Beta Gamma Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa, an honorary sorority for women educators, met for their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, April 11, at Alexander School and Schaeffer Barn at the River Walk in Jasper. President Ann Buechler introduced Joe Rohleder, who gave a tour of the Schaeffer Barn and introduced all of the Alexander School’s educational videos and artifacts.

President Ann Buechler welcomed all to the meeting. Pat Seger led devotions with the poem “The Power of One”.  Secretary Kathy Bachman called Roll Call, and twenty-five members answered with a craft or skill they would like to learn. Bachman had prepared the minutes from the previous meeting and they were sent via emails. The minutes were approved on a motion made by Clara Fromme and seconded by Johnnie Heeke.  

Correspondence was received from Betsy Onofrey on the state academic grant.  She thanked our chapter for submitting a nominee for the 2024 Indiana Alpha Delta Kappa Academic Grant and said that the winner will be announced at the state convention on April 27, 2024.  Our nominee is Ava Widolff.

Treasurer Denise Heeke presented the Financial Report.  

Standing Committee Reports followed.

Under Altruistic Paula Peter relayed the totals she submitted to the state. She reminded everyone that today begins a new year and that they should begin recording their totals for 2025.

Denise Heeke reported that the Budget will be worked on this summer.

Connie Brenner and Shelley Weinzapfel presented a Fraternity Ed. activity.

Brooke Elrod will prepare a news release for the media on our Chapter Academic Grant recipient. 

Sandy Miller reported ordering shirts she will sell at the convention.

Ruth Gehlhausen had a signup sheet for those wishing to go to the play at Lincoln this summer.  On Thursday, June 27, we will attend the play Keeping Mr. Lincoln at the Lincoln Amphitheatre at Lincoln City, IN.  The doors open at 6:00 pm CT.  The play begins at 7:00 pm CT.

Under New Business

Policies and Procedures Handbook will be discussed at the next meeting.

The state convention will be held on April 27 at Terre Haute. Beta Gamma will provide two theme baskets: one with an “Apples” theme and the other with a “Dubois County” theme filled with products from Dubois County. Members attending the convention will be Stella Bennett, Connie Brenner, Ann Buechler, Clara Fromme, Johnnie Heeke, Jane Hunefeld, Brenda Hurm, Beth Meece and Sandy Miller.

The 2024-2026 Biennium officers will be installed at the May meeting.

Suggestions were taken on for Altruistic giving for 2023-2024.So far, our chapter has donated to Survivors of Suicide at the February meeting. We are donating to the Wabash Activity Center in Terre Haute as the state Altruistic project at the state convention. We will also give to The Longest Day and have a Dove House speaker at the meeting in May. 

Jane Boultinghouse has a new phone number. 

Thanks were extended to the April Hostess Committee.  The committee of Marie Patton, Shirley Messmer, Jane Boultinghouse and Christine Betz prepared a fun sack lunch for our field trip to the school and barn.

Celebrating birthdays in April are Christine Betz on April 8th, Sarah Sergesketter-April 11th, Ann Buechler-April 23rd, Dolores Lueken-April 23rd, and Bonnie Wininger on April 30th.

Clara Fromme was drawn for the Active Teacher drawing.  She is back in the classroom, subbing for a teacher at Jasper High School. 

The attendance prize winner was Kathy Knust.

The next meeting will be May 9, 2024, at 3:45 p.m. at Holy Family Fellowship Hall.  Megan Durlauf will be speaking about Dove House.

All joined in the singing of “The Lamp of Alpha Delta Kappa”.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Bachman, Secretary
